By preggo - 04/12/2009 00:02 - United States

Today, I asked my mom if she could include mashed potatoes and gravy with dinner. She then went on to yell at me about my "unhealthy eating habits" and how I've "gained a lot of weight in the past few months". I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 986
You deserved it 4 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

peroxideprincess 0

the question is...does she even know you're pregnant? :P


bandit1107 6

why are you living with your mum? haha u must be older than 20!!! unless you are one of those like... teen preggo screw ups...

LadyEmi 15

Chaa so many mean people. Good luck with what you're going through, just take care of yourself and the baby!