By KAAALIS - 16/03/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, I bit my boyfriend's neck. I felt something squirt into my mouth. Turns out I had just popped a pimple on his neck. Into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 738 249
You deserved it 495 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#5: many guys (myself included) dig neck-biting without being vampires. #9: it doesn't take much to pop a pimple if it's already near bursting. Everyone else: you're absolutely right, this is beyond disgusting.


ase97 0

How bit was that pimple? I'm sorry, but it'd have to be HUGE before you pop it with a bite, IMO.

Today, my girlfriend and I were hooking up and she began to nipple and bite my neck. It felt fantastic until i felt a pain and realized that one of my pimples had popped in her mouth. FML ^^^that's more like it. but i'm so sorry, this is narstyyy.

celiaeatsballz 0

That is mortifying. I am so sorry for you, absolutely a one in a million chance.

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW that's just ****** up!

haha08 0
Enciexoxo 0

just 10 seconds ago, i went through all the work of creating an account on this website just to tell you that that is hands down, the nastiest FML i have EVER read........really. *shudder*

AshlenDoll 0

THAT'S DISCUSTING! i think i just gaged like 10 times. dlksajdsak. ew. sorry.

nerdgrl128 0

I am so so sorry that that happened to you i just gagged about 4 times. thats really so sorry