By Wititipwitpwit - 21/01/2009 10:03 - France

Today, I broke the glass of the photocopier trying to photocopy my ass. My boss will be here in five hours. She'll know it was me. I'm the only night guardian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 038
You deserved it 49 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just tell your boss you wanted to photocopy your ass. That's like... totally normal. SERIOUSLY!

Blame it on a customer. There's probably security cameras... shit. DENY, DENY, DENY!


Just tell your boss you wanted to photocopy your ass. That's like... totally normal. SERIOUSLY!

Blame it on a customer. There's probably security cameras... shit. DENY, DENY, DENY!

choppedNskrewed 0

ahahahahahahahahahahahha lmao!!!!!!!!!!!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh man that fkn sucks loooolllll what were u thinkning PAHAHAHAHAH

Trooth 13

you must have been PRETTY HEAVY to have broken it rofl

joeyl2008 29

Yes, the must have been pretty heavy to have broken the thin layer of glass on the scanner...

FmlQueenx13 0

rele tho what were you thinkking? lol. :)

Hm. Hehe. When I read this, I remembered a comedy video I once saw. It would be something to think about for all those who are using the photocopier for... anything else. Hehe. Link:

I haven't opened the link yet and I already know it's Jake and amir. It's all I could think about reading this

derailed 1

Burn the place down, then he'll never know