By Anonymous - 26/09/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I called my husband during my lunch to tell him that I wanted to go out tonight for my birthday. We got in argument because he said we couldn't afford it. When I got home from work, he was gone, so I called his cell to see where he went. Answer: to the bar with his friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 592
You deserved it 3 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he could only afford to because his friends were buying. But FYL nonetheless.

jchansfan 0

Awww... Your husband is an ass. =(


went out drinking with his mates. on your birthday. after making you feel bad. ASSHOLE.

jennifernorvell 7

How did this ass become your husband? Fyl

Sounds just like my loser ex-Husband Never had the money to take me out but always seemed to find it when his buddies wanted to go out

I don't think the issue is about him not being able to take you out for your birthday but him ditching you on your birthday.

Astrobomb 21

definitely something mine would do.. and has

He should've at least stayed home for your birthday!

Depending on how bad your relationship is, it might be time for a divorce or at least professional help.

doesn't matter if they paid.. still your birthday. how selfish of him