By Anonymous - 20/10/2011 16:16 - Ireland

Today, I came home crying and informed my mother that someone had called me a 'fat bitch' today. She held me at arms length, looked me straight in the eyes, and lovingly said, "You can't change who you are." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 828
You deserved it 6 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mahomie123 0

that's when you say.."i must've gotten it from you mom!"

BeautifulxChaos 9

You can definitely change. It's called exercise and an attitude adjustment. But in all honesty, your mom should have comforted you, not put you down.


GetTheFuckOut 7

You came home crying just 'cause someone called you a "fat bitch"? Lol.

At least your mom tried to be nice? Bright side is, you actually can change it if you want to :) sucks that happened tho, sorry to hear it =

Don't listen to a word she says OP, you can definately change if you try hard enough :)

tildoorf84 7

just go throw up after every time you eat, you'll be skinny in no time.

Schizoid7loner 6

damn, I thought I was the only one....

My mum said this to me as well, and now ive an eating disorder.

murphy22 6

Sounds like something a parents on drugs would say. Lmao. surprised, she didn't ask if she had been sleeping long, or if the toaster was on fire, or or or... the Llama jumped to the moon or something.