By coolchicka05 - 06/10/2009 08:28 - United States

Today, I chose to wear khaki dress pants to class to look professional. I was in the hallway when one of my professors pulled me aside to ask if I was feeling well. Apparently, the dryer had "eaten" my pants and made a large brown stain on the butt, making it look like I had crapped myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 893
You deserved it 9 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really have never had my dryer "eat" anything, maybe shrink. Anyone care to explain?

wannabesinger 16

Don't you have a mirror? Always make sure you look ok before going out. And when taking the pants out, how did you not notice that when folding or unfolding the pants?


You deserve it for being from ILLinois.

DAtz Summ Funny ass Shit LmAo RotFF.....

Suuure blame it on the dryer.... Just own up and announce to the world that you shat yourself.

hahaha And seriously? You didn't realize that you had a huge stain on your pants when you put them on? YDI

Get some adult diapers if you can't hold it in. YDI

that's a load of crap. pun intended. haha.

I really have never had my dryer "eat" anything, maybe shrink. Anyone care to explain?

OP is in denial to the really juicy fart he had that last time he wore those pants.

First, OP is a woman you blind mofo. Second, how does a dryer "eat" your pants by leaving a brown stain??? Really OP, if you are going to blame inanimate objects when you crap your pants, just by some Depends.

When a clothing item gets caught in the door when you close it. When the drum spins the clothes, the oil on the inner track causes a streak. Usually you know when this happens though, because when you open the dryer you have a tightly wound piece of clothing (like a rope).

leenheartlovex3 0
ruben7467 0

#5 failed If the iron "burns" the khaki pants so much that it looks like you crapped yourself.....YDI for not knowing how to IRON. Apparently he need to focus when you iron something or don't turn it up so Hot/High. Basic rules about Ironing.

If you were thinking professional laxative tester then you would have achieved your goal.

ahahahahahahah god, that mustnhavr been soo embarassing, but how on earth did you not realize you had a brown stain on your bum???

wannabesinger 16

Don't you have a mirror? Always make sure you look ok before going out. And when taking the pants out, how did you not notice that when folding or unfolding the pants?

YDI for not looking at the darn pants before you put them on!