By Kristina - 18/02/2009 21:09 - United States

Today, I complimented my mom with "Hey, I think you lost some weight." She replied with "Yeah, I think you found it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 990
You deserved it 6 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

my mom says stuff like that to me :/ that sucks dude.

I see you didn't inherit your mother's sense of humour.


whattheeff 0

It might sound funny, but you have no idea how damaging that can be to someone's self-esteem to have their mother call them fat.. obviously if you said they should "grow a thicker skin" then it hasn't happened to you. its one of the main causes of disordered eating. wouldn't be so funny if they developed anorexia or bulimia because of that, would it ? maybe you should know what you're talking about before writing something.

Her mum didn't call her fat? She just implied she'd gained weight. My mum says shit like that to me all the time, she'll get over it. Although it was pretty rude.

#19/booktard: you might want to frequent another website if you don't want to hear people complain.

Silas_fml 0

On two different spectrums.. - (To some of the comments) Oh please. In the realm of 'abuse', that is a blip on the radar of absolute nothingness. She was probably joking anyways. God, people need a sense of humour. - Still, if she wasn't joking, that is slightly harsh. But it still isn't that bad. Get over it, get over yourself. Perhaps you are largely overweight? I'm not saying that you are, but If so, then perhaps she is taking her own weight problems into account when she sees her daughter's problems. It could be a gene thing. Perhaps she is blaming herself for it and lashing out. Losing weight, just as much as gaining weight, causes high amounts of stress. Talk to her about it in a serious manner instead of complaining about it online to a forum of people who, in truth, could probably not care less.

lol i remember hearing that joke at Fresh Prince of Bell-Air

un_known_fml 0

hahah sounds just like my mother :p

DeviousDevotions 0

That's definitely not right. As a person who's struggled with disordered eating all I can say is to keep your head up and a smile on. Your mom obviously isn't able to be the support you need so try to find it in some other aspects of you life. I hope things turn for the better dear.

ronnidee 0

my friend's dad said something like that once. except he said to her, "Looks like you lost some weight. Oops, nevermind, I found it." aww im sorry :(

dk_fml 0

Great parenting skills there, mom.

That's ok, the older she gets, the more gravity will cease being her friend. I'm sure you're just fine how you are.

she was probably just being silly. Don't take everything so damn personal