By mjbx - 01/01/2012 19:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I decided to write a romantic email to my boyfriend describing how much I love and miss him. An hour later, I got an email back saying, "I think we need to discuss this." It seems I sent it to my teacher by mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 848
You deserved it 15 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments


uprising_fml 0

you deserve it for not checking who you were sending it to. I mean really, your teacher ? but good luck explaining that one .

bubo_fml 10

Lead your teacher on with the hint of sexual indiscretion...Get yourself a good grade!!

"Get yourself a good grade!" More like get suspended and your teacher fired. Good plan.

Just_A_Panda 9

Now that's not just nasty. That's just plain wrong. Even if you were joking, thats still not right.

unless you have a bad grade(and might be trying to bring it up by having sex) he should understand......

Hopefully they'll believe you when you explain it to them. That's gonna be one awkward class from now on though..

GoW_Chick 14

This sounds like the beginning of a **** film ....

sucks2BEyouu 0

Would I would definitely like to see ;)

sucks2BEyouu 0

One I would definitely like to see ;) *

Already seen it. It was okay… not great or anything special that I haven't already seen, before.

Vaginabutter 15
Llamacod 11

I recommend everyone watch the classic movie "Private Lessons"

DarkHelmet 10

He wants to talk about that A your gonna get and how you can get it LOL

It would be hilarious if your teacher sat you down and corrected all of your grammatical errors!