By stillyoung - 02/11/2010 06:50 - Australia

Today, I discovered that the upside of losing weight is that men have started hitting on me. The downside? They're all twice my age. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 699
You deserved it 4 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Lose more weight. There are a lot of middle-aged chubby-chasers out there, but not a lot of young ones. As men age, they either lower their standards, or find out that sex with fatties is awesome, and become plumpa humpas. Good job on losing some of your weight, but you'll have to keep it up if you want to attract boys your own age. You might find it easier to give one of those old dudes a try and let him surprise you.


D-I-N-O-S-A - YOU ARE a dinosaur. & O-L-D-M-A-N You're just an oldman. hitting on me whaaaaaaattt? you need a catscan. hahaha surprised nobody brought this up yet. Ke$ha ftw.


At least it's not midgets hitting on you.

you lost weight and men find you attractive this is an fml in true form

just keep working on losing weight, and if that still doesn't work, eat a finger sandwich till you look good!

Haha happened to me too. Some of them are really creepy about it, and it's especially weird cause I'm only 18 and look about 15 or 16. I'm like really??

Stop complaining. 90% of girls on here complain about being fat. Count your blessings you ungrateful brat.

If you're 14 there's no problem, oh wait. Never mind FYL.

Urgh :/ I wouldn't take it as an insult cause it happens to a lot of people and at least guys find you attractive. I'm 17 and it's happened to me, this year I actually had some creepers in a van pull up when I was walking home once and they started hitting on me :( crazy stuff x

Congrats on the weight problem, now you just need to lick the bias against age problem...

yum and lick you instead??? just kiddin. nice pic however....