By Anonymous - 03/11/2010 17:57 - Germany

Today, I failed to get my driver's licence. My father was the instructor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 098
You deserved it 28 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ktrose 0

Just because he is your father, it does not mean he is going to automatically pass you. Clearly, you are not a great driver yet. lol.

It seems that either your dad is a bad teacher or you are a bad student! :P


You must be a horrible driver. I actually hit one of the DMV workers and I still passed my first try.

Yeah right, I highly doubt that. I don't know where you live but in my state hitting a pedestrian is an automatic fail.

sammieishere 0

haha no dad wants their kid to drive.

EngineerJane 0

Why would you need to drive? You can't possibly need your license to go from the bedroom to the kitchen. I would know because its a half a minute walk for me.

another retarded american who thinks everyone most know fluent english when only 10% of americans fluently know a second language. My native tongue is spanish btw and I live in a spanish speaking island.

YDI for thinking you'd get your license because your dad was the instructor.

What, you expected him to just give you the license because you're his kid? YDI then.

Ya you will not get everything you want just for being daddies little girl ,but he might have been saving a lot of unnecessary deaths. if you want a another opinion then get another driver instructor to tell you that you suck at driving.. and apparently spelling. But I suck at spelling to so I take that back so I'm not being hypocritical. I would use spell check next rime tho if I were you.

The first half of your post is spot on. The second, well, there's a thread further up explaining why the spelling is fine. :)

It's okay, OP. I didn't get my license until a week ago...And I'm 21. At least you're not as pathetic as me! ;)

DGAFprincess 0

95, I'm 21 and STILL don't have my liscense...

I'm 27 and I don't have a license. But I'm not American, so I don't feel that urge ;)

156- It has nothing to do with being "American" but more to do with what is logical for your area. I live in an area that you have to drive everywhere because everything is so far apart from each other. The nearest bus-stop is over a five mile walk from my house (we own 15 acres and my nearest neighbor is a mile away). Not having a license would be very inconvenient! On the other hand, when I go to NY for a day trip, I park my car and take the ferry across. Almost everything is within walking distance and if it isn't, I just take the bus to get there. It would actually be inconvenient to drive in NY since the traffic is usually always backed up and it's a pain to actually find parking. I'm sure the same could be said about different countries, there are probably areas where if you didn't have a license you would have difficulty getting to different places.

I was joking about the whole "pathetic" thing, so I hope you picked up on that and you weren't offended! I've heard of plenty of people older than me not having my license. Personally, I don't think that someone not having a license makes them any less of a person. Unfortunately, I feel like a lot of people in American society think otherwise. I was talking to a girl about my age while on the train a few days ago-- and when I told her that I hadn't gotten my license until recently, a look of horror/disgust crossed her face. So, as you see, not everyone is quite as accepting. Kind of sad, really. :P