By typical - 13/04/2013 23:49 - United States - Cheshire

Today, I fell down the stairs. My mom came running from the other room because she thought it was the dog. She rolled her eyes and walked away when she saw it was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 242
You deserved it 4 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stevenJB 25

Wonder how some people consider themselves parents. :/ you could've been really hurt


HeyHeyFishFillet 34

I wish I could give you a beer OP, I've got some colder than your mom's heart.

Nikkitaria 9

Here's to hoping she walked away because she saw you weren't hurt.

How dare you make her think her precious dog was hurt. Cats fall down stairs, but they pull it off like pros.

Megan639 16

I hate parents who are obsessed with animals

Well at least you know where you stand in your house. Sorry op..

Judging by OP's fall down the stairs, standing is something he/she has trouble with.

I suppose it is because she assumes you will be alright and able to take care of yourself - although accidents do happen :( But the dog wouldn't be able to look after itself if it got hurt. Still sucks though.

wow your mom is cruel my mom loves our weenie dog andy but she says if he ever tears my foot open again he's off to the pound

Hopefully she doesn't mean that, otherwise I wouldn't say she loves the dog at all.

onorexveritas 23

wow, some mom you got there

Some parents... don't deserve to be parents.

Haha. that dog better be an expensive show dog.

Even had it been, it shouldn't be rated over her own flesh and blood.