By Anonymous - 25/11/2012 02:35 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I fell off my boyfriend's motorcycle. I had a few scrapes and bruises, and my boyfriend called for an ambulance as a precaution. The paramedics managed to drop me on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 740
You deserved it 2 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoshTheMaggot 8

How'd the manage to do that? Were they carrying you upside down?


Was he wearing his "If you can read this the bitch fell off." shirt?

jjtothemax17 6

Is there any way you can get money out of this situation?

Yes they can, they can legally sue the ambulance for extra injury

Yes, but only the major butt hurt a**holes do that. Unless the paramedics beat the you up its pointless in my opinion

Why is 20 getting thumbed down? He answered the question, and answered it correctly.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Ain't that a bitch, at least they were already there in case you split your head open or got a concussion. Hope you're okay though, OP. sounds like a shitty day.

judging from their track record so far I don't think them being present would be terribly helpful.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

So one mishap counts for their whole performance in general? Shit happens, mistakes are made. I'm sure the paramedics wanted to make up for what they did.

Keep your head up OP. It'll get better soon and you will drop this situation and you won't need to remember it.

Ouch. Sorry op I'm wondering how they managed to do thet though. At least you get free health care, so their mistake won't cost you anything other than a lot of brain cells.

Yeah my dad whom has been a paramedic for 20 some years has shown me enough on how they do it and okay if you didnt need to go to the hosptial or if you were ambulatory they might not have used a stretcher even

kriz_allizwell 6

You mean like when your mom dropped you when you were a baby?

You're a lucky girl with a boyfriend like that. Hang on to him mightily!