By Anonymous - 08/04/2011 15:30 - United States

Today, I finally found a reason to quit smoking. I threw my cigarette butt out the window and it blew back in, went down the back of my pants, and burnt my butt in 3 different places. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 924
You deserved it 54 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyNameIsBruce 0

Turns out the wind doesn't like smoking either


MaskingTape 2

wish it went in your gas tank instead of your crack, that's what you get for littering. but you got burned either way, so good for you. YDI.

Hey everyoneluvsboners, stfu. Are you stupid?? YES, it WILL start fires, dumbass. That's what happens when a flame or even an ember hits gasoline, which is insanely flammable. Gasoline is flammable enough that even a spark could light it off. Don't come here and try to be a smug little smartass when you clearly don't know what you're talking about. I hope someone pours gas over you and lights a cig next to your face. Then we'll see if it's true or not. Learn that just because something is seen in movies doesn't automatically mean it can't happen in real life.

K9obsessed, sorry but Boners is right. The Mythbusters tested this (I freaking love that show), and it's next-to impossible. Directly from their website: "A cigarette has the potential to light a pool of gasoline but just doesn’t have enough sustained heat. Gas ignites between 500 °F and 540 °F, the cigarette at its hottest was between 450 °F and 500 °F but only when it was actually being smoked. An ignition is very improbable." So do your homework before calling someone else stupid. Stupid.

Ooh, ooh, I want smelly breath, rotting teeth and lung cancer too! Thank you so much for your sagely wisdom, O smoking guru.

sincerely331 0

Why is it that when yu attack a smoker & tell them to stop they always point the finger on others who are doing bad things as well instead of just admitting they need to stop smoking.

LukeNukem_fml 3

maybe cuz they don't want to. also, the ****'re you talking about? I don't go round blaming Bin Laden just because someone would "attack" me for smoking.

fmlwinnn 0

39- the idiot thing is that you KNOW, but decide to do it anyway.

dude ^ harsh. he can do whatever the hell he wants, and no one had the right to say that- not even you- so, have a little respect, and think before you speak.

well then I feel sorry for you for being such a weak soul

YDI, asshole. Next time at least have the courtesy to put it out before you toss it aside. You're lucky it didn't hit something flammable. Don't come on here and bitch when you should know better. I pray for your sake you don't do something that stupid again.

ThatLooksSticky 16

I would very much like to see an animated version of this FML.