By me - 21/03/2013 10:25 - United Kingdom - Chichester

Today, I finally got to meet my boyfriend's parents; it turns out that his mum is my therapist. I've just spent an entire morning telling her how confused I am about my sexuality. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 935
You deserved it 6 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you carrying on with the relationship, taking it to the next level of meeting the family, if you can easily go on for an hour questioning your sexuality? It sounds like you're leading the guy on until you figure yourself out. Maybe stop seeing him, but keep seeing his mom.

maybe if you guys are that serious you should be able to talk to your boyfriend about it too


blah2112 11

Good thing for doctor-patient confidentiality!

Isn't there a movie based on something like this lol. Sorry but FYL

Good luck finding a new therapist, OP. Whether or not you proceed with the relationship with this boyfriend, I'd say your therapist now has a conflict of interest.

I've heard stories about patients who get "confused" about their sexuality when in fact the truth of it is their anxiety about their present heterosexual relationship. It's possible she could be experiencing anxiety regarding the new seriousness of her relationship with this guy, and is interpreting this anxiety as confusion about her sexuality.

at least after u getting married,u can get free suggestions from ur mother in low.

It would be unethical for her to continue as your therapist now.

Like the movie "Prime", except she was 14 yrs older than him

If you're hot you can explore your sexuality with me ;)

Your confused about your sexuality, yet your dating someone... Hmm..

jxcala 10

And you're dating her son? Good one genius.