By footyfallout - 16/08/2009 05:17 - Canada

Today, I finished writing the most perfect love letter for this girl at summer school. At the end of the letter I signed: Your secret admirer. Cute, right? Not really. Turns out I was so anxious to finish the letter that I ended up writing my name at the bottom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 145
You deserved it 53 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Randomguy16 0

That's not necessarily a bad thing

Glam_fml 0

Well now she knows that YOU actually like her. What is the point of writing a love letter if the person will never know who it is from? It seems stupid to me.


Lucky_strike_fml 0

Secret admirer is entirely interchangeable with 'creepy stalker'

What a shitty FLM to moderate. What the **** is wrong with signing your name to a love letter, especially if it is "perfect" as the OP claimed. This is NOT an FML, this is a man accidentally growing a set of balls.

LMFAO 40 Also how the hell are you so anxious you write your name in? I mean, it seems to me, when you are anxious, you most often forget doing that, or something similar. This would make more sense if you forgot to sign it period. But yeah, 40 still has a good point. Oh no, a girl knows you like her, like you INTENDED....

#9: And "person who replies to the wrong post to be on top" is entirely interchangeable with "narcissistic asshole."


DoomJeff91 2

YDI for being in summer school. idiot.

A lot of people take summer school to get ahead, or just get certain classes out of the way to make room for more important things like dual credit or AP.

responses 0

Well if your in summer school you certaintly won't be impressing any girls in your lifetime with a high paying and high class career.

or some people take summerschool sp they can get a fre period during the year. cause they are smart enough to take an entire course in 3 weeks. dumb ****.

thepatty8474 10

Oh like the balls that u have to say that to the OP, what if she doesn't like him back? Dumb bitch.

Randomguy16 0

That's not necessarily a bad thing

I_ate_pikachu 0

But she'll probably think he's stupid now for signing both Secret Admirer and his real name. xDD

badluckalex 23

hopefully she didnt think it was creepy, but then again, we dont know what op wrote on the letter

tear out that part of the paper then, since it was at the bottom. problem solved! your life is not f-ed :)

dudeitsdanny 9

He probably didn't realize it until he got the restraining order..

I don't get it. How is knowing you like her a bad thing? Things could just get worse with anonimity, i.e. she thinks someone else wrote it...

Glam_fml 0

Well now she knows that YOU actually like her. What is the point of writing a love letter if the person will never know who it is from? It seems stupid to me.

Um re-write it on another piece of paper. It's not rocket science.

then just rewrite the letter if you didnt give it to her yet. and love letters are over rated. nowadays we just.. i dunno.. ASK HER OUT INSTEAD?? then you will know right away if she likes you