By ihavepinkbackpac - 28/02/2009 19:07 - United States

Today, I forgot to do my French homework, but since it was an online worksheet, I told my teacher my internet wasn't working. I told her with an e-mail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 807
You deserved it 803 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell her your ISP mistakenly blocked ports 80, 8080,8000, etc. so you could still e-mail but not use http stuff

haha you think a retard who would email that to his teacher would be smart enough to make up that shit about ports and http?


lifesuckseggs 0


Real smooth. Hehe good one xD Thats like when we had to screenshot the page where we passed the test, and the stamp it gives you. I was too lazy, so I photoshopped it and sent it to my teacher. I was really proud, I did a great job on it. The only thing was that I had accedently sent it as a Photoshop file. I think ill post it xD

ok, u really dont know how to use ur brain!

sanctuary_fml 0

HAHA you're an complete idiot!!

Excellence 0

You idiot... this is why you should just do your homework.

i fi've learned one thing bout lying it is that i SUK @ it so just dont do it n hey buddy hedz up nxt time... think logically Live Love Laugh 3L