By I'm out - 06/09/2016 17:02 - United States - Huntsville

Today, I found a thong at my boyfriend's house. When I confronted him about it, he panicked and claimed it was his mom's. Right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 510
You deserved it 1 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If true, that's more troubling than if it belonged to another girlfriend; brings new meaning to the term 'Mama's boy'


Maybe he is cheating on you. With his own mother. Never considered that now, did you?

Tsukiyomi 16

Ok, here is an idea. Maybe this is his Mom's idea of a way to get you to leave. She leaves a pair of her underwear, and you find them.

He might be telling the truth. This IS in Alabama after all.

Well, either he's cheating, they're his, or he was telling the truth. Two of which involves serious discussions, the third just requires dumping.

Judging on the location of this FML if it is his moms thing it wouldn't be too surprising.

call up his mom and tell her that you just found a thong that her son claims is hers, and you would like to return it. her reaction will tell you what you need to know and you can dump his lying sorry ass. take care OP, and wish you better luck finding a correct partner.

depends on what kinda thong it is, quite a few men prefer to wear them cuz they find them more comfortable then regular undies, doesn't mean their living a secret life less they r really girly lol