By Anonymous - 05/01/2012 04:18 - United States

Today, I found my missing shoe. It hit me as it fell out the tree in our front yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 186
You deserved it 4 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the important question is: how'd the shoe get in the tree??


thebaibai26 12

May I ask how you got it up there? Hyper feet perhaps?

So your telling me that the shoe that went missing decided of all times in the day, to fall and aim directly at you right as your walking out the door. I call fake on this one.

thiscrazything 1

You must have brothers. When something like that happens, most of the time the boys are behind it somehow.

Your dog really knows where to hide them so he/she can chew on them Nom nommy nom nom

That should sole your problems. You shoe-d the squirrels away AND found your missing shoe. Solid effort mate!

chefinheels88 5

Talk about having the other shoe drop...

wonder19 9

So you use this tree for access often, and it takes your shoes as hostages. Think I'd use the door!! May no get clobbered!!!!