By hahahaha090114 - 30/01/2010 18:59 - United States

Today, I found out I was getting a divorce. My wife is leaving me for my brother, saying that now that he has money there is nothing that can stand in their way. I recently decided to send him money to help him get back on his feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 167
You deserved it 3 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KateeJo 0

she ain't nothing but a gold digger.


itspimpz 0

bloods thicker than water, tell him to break her heart so bad she never loves again , I'd fart on that bitches soul.

Arthurpod 0

that sux man. forget that b. u can and will do better.

perdix 29

That's quite a trick to send your brother enough money to simultaneously get him on his feet and make her get down on her knees. Are you paying for the wedding, too, chump? It would be very appropriate for you to give away the bride.

Sounds like FHerLife. Divorce her, then mention hey he only got back on his feet because of YOUR money, then watch her flounder with him and hopefully drown. Live your life! That sucks though.

If you can only get that statement on tape, then you could divorce on grounds of her having an affair. Hope you don't have kids! Also I'd punch your brother and your wife. OR watch them flounder and refuse to give them help. Point out (if bro hasn't) that you helped bro out with money, which ended up leading to your **** of an ex wife divorcing you over him, and do not intend on lending a lowlife shit brother or his **** wife anymore money.

Yatta_fml 0

That's horrible... sorry to hear.

BROS BEFORE HOS????? I guess not :((((((((((((

Well, if it was a loan and there's any physical proof of terms, then get your money back. Otherwise, you're screwed. Of course, leaving all her belongings outside and changing the locks wouldn't be a bad idea right now.

just think...she's not your problem anymore ur bro now has to deal with her selfishness. live a little and go do some crazy shit :)