By Darbstar101 - 08/04/2015 13:00 - Australia - Lawnton

Today, I found out just how much my dog likes ice-cream when she tackled a little girl at a park for hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 255
You deserved it 4 251

Darbstar101 tells us more.

OP here, yes the girl was fine and laughing when I ran up to her to see if she was okay. My dogs just a very large, very excitable english mastiff puppy and the girl loves dogs so it worked out fine after I bought her another ice-cream. And my puppy wasn't on a leash because we were at a dog park playing with other dogs and she was very fired up. The little girls parent saw what happened and were very understanding :)

Top comments

What would you(r dog) do for a Klondike bar?


YDI for not training and leashing your dog.

My dog is properly trained and I always leash him. He still will act up sometimes. They're animals and will act as such; you can't control something with its own mind 24/7

in that case they are not properly trained!

But you don't leash a dog at a dog park... That defeats the purpose of the dog park.

Why do people automatically assume the dog wasn't on a leash? A dog jumped on my mom just last week and he was on a leash. The owner explained he was a jumper and that he's currently in obedience class because of it (not that it seemed to be helping much).

The whole point of a leash is to control the dog. If OP is using a leash and the dog can rip it out of his hand, that's still a problem.

xxlinneamxx 17

My dog will do the same thing with cheese, although luckily I don't see too many people walking with Kraft slices in their hands. Poor girl lol

uchihadesendent 14

my dog does the same thing and since I know what he likes I hold on to his leash tightly when I see he spots food like that.

My cat loves licking ice cream bowls so much, that she seems to think that ANY silverware/bowl clinking means it is ice cream time.

LostInTheZone11 29

#34 My dad does that. And now it's hard for me to enjoy ice cream that's put into a bowl without her getting in my face. Now I can only enjoy ice cream directly from pint containers.

cryssycakesx3 22

god o guess cats like that.