By Anonymous - 20/07/2010 16:29 - United States

Today, I found out my parents are getting divorced. They're fighting over the dog instead of my sister and me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 928
You deserved it 3 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, maybe they already decided who gets who, and now it's down to the dog?

I hear you on that one...My parents are getting a divorce and are acting ridiculous.


well, maybe they already decided who gets who, and now it's down to the dog?

I hear you on that one...My parents are getting a divorce and are acting ridiculous.

Its easy to have another child. But finding another best friend...

hahahaha!! u must be worthless in their eyes!!

OliviaNicole 5

Maybe the dog doesnt bitch back at them like you do (: All in all, I'm sorry OP. But suck it up and quit being a little princess.

maybe they already know that they're sharing custody OP. in other words there's no reason to be upset.

mumble grumble i said that first mumble grumble. :p

ummmmm the FML app doesn't show every comment. didn't see yours. sorry lol.

14 your a ******* bitch. if your parents get divorced i hope niether of them want you you bitch.