By Anonymous - 02/11/2018 12:00

Today, I found out my son has been sneaking out of his room at night to see his girlfriend. He's a fully-grown 23-year-old man with a job and his own car. He doesn't need to sneak out. What an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 553
You deserved it 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MishMashMosh 20

He should be the one posting here hahaha. You should tell him that it's okay then.

they don't grow up as fast as you want em to


Maybe he's doing it for an extra rush, so things get a little more heated with his girlfriend. However, if he genuinely believes you'd punish him, you can point out that it's unnecessary for him to go through with all that rigmarole.

they don't grow up as fast as you want em to

MishMashMosh 20

He should be the one posting here hahaha. You should tell him that it's okay then.

sourgirl101 28

He’s not an idiot. He sounds more like someone that’s being respectful by being quiet when leaving at night in order not to bother you, especially if he thinks you’re asleep.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but in my own experience, keeping up the sneaky behavior around parents instead of talking things out when there's no longer any need to be sneaky in order to live one's own life, it's a sign of an overbearing upbringing

You ought to ground him for not walking around the house naked!

Sorry to break the news this way... But I am pretty sure that your son is an addict, to... Something. Best of luck to you and yours!

Why would you want to take the fun out of sneaking around to be with his girlfriend? It’s so much more fun and exciting to sneak around!