By MakeMeASandwich - 10/06/2011 05:01 - United States

Today, I found out that as a supervisor, if you reprimand a female worker and end the conversation with, "Now get back to making sandwiches," your boss will consider it sexism and suspend you. I work at Subway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 325
You deserved it 8 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mismonroe 0

How sexist of them to assume that because you are male you are sexist.


Shortyy10 0
paramor3 23

That's ridiculous! Making sandwiches at Subway is the name of the game ha ha! Now.... go make me a sammich fool!

If you make a sexist joke (granted, you meant it to be funny because it was literal, but let's face it, still sexist), don't do it right after "reprimanding" your coworker. Perfect opportunity - who wouldn't take it?

He didn't say it was a joke.. He might have genuinely been saying 'Get back to work' it just so happens her work is making sandwiches.. It's the same as if my boss were to say 'Now get back on your till'

rldostie 19

Except that not everyone at Subway eats sandwiches. He tried to use the joke because he thought he could get away with it. However, he should have said "get back to work," as working at Subway can mean dealing with customers, making salads, cookies, chips, drinks, etc. Lots of ppl go to Subway for their salads, for example.

russianspy1234 11

I like how all the women are defending his suspension. It's only sexism to assume all women are good for is making sandwiches, it's not sexism if it's her freaking job, and even if it's not, learn to take a freaking joke. If I tell a hooker "it's not gonna suck itself" that's not sexism either.

Wow girls are so easily offended!! Thank god I'm not like that! I would have told her to go make sandwiches too! Only I would have meant it as a sexist joke because, you know, I have a sense of HUMOR. lol there's a reason most of my friends are guys. Cuz most girls are bitchy. Guys are cool and don't think everything must have some hidden insult behind it. If I told a girl at my school that I liked her shirt she'd be like "What is THAT supposed to mean??" Bitch it means I like your shirt. AND...rant over!:D

tweetbaby14 18

That's a pretty horrible over-exaggeration. I'm pretty sure if anyone is complimented their first reaction won't be "Hey, I should flip out like a psycho bitch!" it'd be to let that person know they appreciated the compliment by saying thank you. Please think before you post, dear( there's no "hidden insult" in there either). Also not most girls are bitchy it's just we can't understand foolishness, and we don't laugh at every attempt at a joke. I guess the gist of what I'm saying no need to try so hard to seem like you're a "drama free" girl.

tweetbaby14 18

*can't stand foolishness. stupid auto correct -_-

Kryson53 0

why are women great at making sandwiches

Miss_Jazzalyn 4

Either, as someone said, said female worker lacks a sense of humour. Or the boss is female without a sense of humour. I don't believe OP was trying to be sexist. (Even I think sandwich/sammich jokes are funny and I'm a girl.)

At least you didn't say, "get back to handling footlongs."