By Anonymous - 26/09/2010 05:45 - United States

Today, I found out that my best friend's mom doesn't wear pyjamas when I got up to go get a glass of water in the middle of the night, at the same time she did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 066
You deserved it 3 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Why don't you tell us what happened afterwards....


Wait, this is a few guys fantasy's. Why all the negative remarks? Was she Hott? Did you want it?.... Did she? Details!!!!

Biancaisbizarre 0

Her friend's mom wasn't a MILF, or she's straight. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a FML.

Your best friend's mom and I have that in common. Who even wears clothes anymore?

FFML_314 11

We don't, but that's because you can't wear clothes when you're pillow fighting and eating chocolate covered strawberries.

Wearing clothes is just off-limits. I mean, that's just, like, the Rules of Feminism!

FFML_314 11

Agreed. How are we supposed to make art?

nadia716 3
jinxthejinx 0

This thread reminds me of my booby-painting party last week… Imagine canvases covered with booby & nippie prints. Heh.

nekkid_dude 0

Pajamas are so uncomfortable to sleep in. Sleeping naked is soooo comfy. Everyone should sleep naked. If it's cold just use more blankets. Bravo to OP's friend's mom.

okay I get Wat u say but if you leave your room get some clothes!

Hope you enjoyed the view, nothing wrong with looking at other women.

ok? so for one. it was a female not like her dad or grandfather was there. for two how bad could it be? give it 20 to 30 years and your gonna look like that to. but I suppose fyl for seeing the future -.-

perdix 29

This story was getting really hot until I read that the OP was a girl. It seems there are no more Underpaid Babysitter stories anymore and the Indeterminate Gender ones are much less frequent. May I now suggest a BFD category for FMLs that none of us really give a shit about?

if u dont give a shit about an FML, then why did u comment on it?

FFML_314 11

If you don't give a shit about his comment, then why did you reply to it?

coco_MOO 0

How on earth did that stop it being hot?