By Anonymous - 03/12/2009 08:23 - United States

Today, I found out that my friends were convinced that I was gay. I have known most of them for 3 plus years, they all thought my girlfriend was a special shopping partner. I found this out while announcing my engagement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 763
You deserved it 3 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

capthavoc123 0

I voted in your favor on this one, but then I thought about something. In the three years you knew these people, you never once told them that this girl was your girlfriend? Because that's the only way they could still think you were gay. So I guess you kind of half deserve it.


Mercy, you know that my expendaballs belong to nowt but you, still bidding for carrier pigeons on eBay by the way... And it was actually a Cat in the Hat suit, for World Book Day. I spoke entirely in rhyme that day, think I got beaten up by a kid who thought Star Wars counted as a book and was therefore Darth Vader... It was probably pretty amazing to watch...

Maybe they know something you don't. FYL either way.

I hope your fiancee doesn't think that and said yes just to get married

You're getting married! Why is your life ******?

This sucks and I feel you. When my wife and I were dating we went to a restaurant together. When I left to go to the bathroom our waitress asked my girlfriend if she realized that her date was gay. There are a lot of things that make people assume you are gay, I always get told that it's because I'm small. Seriously. As dumb as that reason is that is what I get told by people, especially gay men who hit on me. My advice is to just not care, if you seem gay for whatever reason just get used to it. You will most likely always have to explain to people that you are not and any attempt to change that you seem gay will just make you seem like a closeted gay man. People are just judgmental and expect that you fit into a little box defined by society, most no one actually fits into these boxes, but that hasn't ended the perception.

You can fit in that little box though right? You said you were tiny..

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

she probably said that because you look like the guy from Brokeback Mountain

OP, I bet you're one of these weird guys who doesn't show any affection to his girl or even touch her if you're in public. My cousin married a guy like that... no one else in the family even knew they were dating until she announced the engagement. We all thought he was just a gay friend. And after being engaged for over a year, the first time I ever saw them kiss or even hold hands was at the wedding. That's just creepy. I don't know about you, but if I was in love enough with a woman to agree to spend the rest of my life with her, I'd be all over that girl, in private AND public.

And now, Mercy, I love you more than ever :)

yes_im_hater 0

probally cause you make a good sammich

mylyfsukswbu 0

your getting married. focus on that.