By Anonymous - 22/08/2016 11:49 - Australia

Today, I found out that one of my colleagues believes that aliens built the pyramids. No amount of logical reasoning or evidence has had any effect on his argument of, "but you can't prove they didn't." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 509
You deserved it 1 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Only a fool believes that aliens built the pyramids. They were obviously built by the Illuminati. Why else do you think they're in the shape of a triangle?

"Yes, I can." "Well, then do it. Prove aliens didn't build the pyramids." "I already did. Prove I didn't."


bobsanction 18

There really isn't any evidence that aliens weren't involved in building the pyramids. None of us were there when they were built. We base our beliefs of who built them on evidence of what we think happened.

species4872 19

Logical reasoning only works on people with the ability to think logically. Belief is what you get when reasoning has left the building, or in this case the pyramid.

If you think that is bad, visit a flat eart group on Facebook.

polsen4273 8

That's not so bad. I have colleagues to believe their invisible friend rules the universe and they have to obey his every command or suffer torment for eternity

I dont believe that they did it but I do believe they had an influence.

Try debating a holocaust denier, it's even worse, because we have proof, and they still think their opinion is the truth.

technically speaking, he's right. You CAN'T prove they didn't. But you also CAN'T prove they did. You'll have to agree to disagree.

Sorry, but those two statements do not exist on equal footing. One person is making the claim, and it is not for the other to prove this negative. The believer must convince the unbeliever, who makes no claim. It is for him to be convinced.

Well, even if I disagree with your colleague's opinion I must say is argument is valid. You actually can't prove the aliens didn't build the pyramids. It's silly but true...

buttcramp 21

This is apparently a common conspiracy theory. I happen to know someone who swears by this. He says aliens didn't build them.. something from outer space dropped down and the people built over it, scared of what it could be. He showed me some website about how the rock/substance/metal they found inside the pyramids doesn't match any other matter we have on earth. It was pseudoscience for sure, but a great read lol

I believe it's a possibility the aliens built the pyramids