By gullible - 12/04/2014 16:01 - United States

Today, I found out that the April Fool's Day prank my girlfriend and best friend played on me was not a joke, and that they actually did sleep together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 874
You deserved it 3 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like them being true friends was the real prank...


Next time they should think of a joke thats actually funny

Everytime I read stories like this one, I just wanna punch that "best friend" in his goddamn balls! What a bastard... Sorry for you OP! You really deserve better friends than this one and a better girlfriend!

You could've taken that seriously on the first honestly. That's not something I feel people joke about so much.

conman531 23

Friends and girlfriends come and go. You surely don't need those two

cjwayy 22

Ouch... I'm sorry they betrayed you like that. Your girlfriend AND your best friend? That's two punches to the gut. :/ sorry, OP.

****** will be ******. **** that piece of shit ''friend''. this will only make u stronger. women need to earn respect as long as you as a man are respectable. **** *****, respect women.

I hope you mean your EX-girlfriend and EX-best friend. FYL