By Michael - 05/06/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, I found the source of the bad smell that has been plaguing me for the past two weeks in my apartment. The police knocked on my door asking if I've seen my neighbor recently. I haven't. The smell has been that of a dead person. It's a smell that even Febreze can't remove. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 134
You deserved it 5 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Curtieeeez 0

Gotta love the smell of dead people in the mornin!


Wait. Did ur neighbor die or did he kill someone?

Phlecks 0

Yeah I can't get that smell out of my house either. Unrelated note: anyone know where I can dump four bodies?

jackeyy 0
cocobean2216 0

put them in a car trunk and light it on fire. the police won't be able to ID them. lol

F your life?? I don't think so... He's DEAD!! Sounds to me like he's got it worse than you do!

ithedarkknight 0

I Laughed sorry but like u probably for like two weeks WTF IS THAT SMELL!!! idk maybe the rotten corpse next door? XD

SoulDevilDog 0
Grettel 0

I dnt get it. You said neighbor but how does he die in your apartment? Oh well I'm sorry and I know how it feels to have someone die. But on the other hand I dnt know what kind of relationship you had with them LOL

#28-The smell went through the wall. I lol'd at OP. He'll probably have to move out now.

EmbarrassedKlutz 0