By Anonymous - 19/02/2011 14:51 - Ireland

Today, I gave a safe sex speech to teens at my local high school. This was just ten minutes after my girlfriend had texted me telling me she's pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 168
You deserved it 48 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who tells someone they're pregnant in a text? Don't people talk face to face anymore? Sad and YTDI.

you_failed 15

Wow, what irony! D: I hope you DID have safe sex. If you didn't YDI.


kittea86 0

so.. few ppl practice what they preach. its not like u have to tell the class

these kids must be learning a lot from you.

Via text? Umm, probably not the best way to break the news.

dianadoll 23

practice what you preach? haha congratulations you soon to be daddy:)

No Irish Person actually says High School. Secondary Schools! It's always Secondary Schools.