By Noname - 28/02/2009 20:57 - United States

Today, I got a 31% on a Chinese test at school. I moved here to New Jersey from China two months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 488
You deserved it 19 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you born in China? I mean, if you lived there for like a year, then that would make sense. Chinese is hard. If you were born there, well I don't know...

jackaaa 0

That actually happens often. I've had friends move to Mexico during high school, and they always did poorly on their English tests. It's because they go into more detail in the class than we ever did here. They concentrate on the little things we don't notice. It's normal.


diediedie 0

well, your a chink. so, you probably should just stfu (:

i usually get a higher grade on the english tests/quizzes than what my american classmates get.. you can't expect to ace the class just because you are a native. Chinese is easy though.. as long as its not lit. or grammar :p and no i aint no chink but i live in china ;) biao zi

saintsgrace 0

yeah i agree. The teacher probably doesn't know real chinese. or knows a different dialect. you should talk to the principal

ouch. do you also have crazy steroetype asian parents? i do, and it sucks, even when i get Bs.

LOL #14's comment is hilarious and to #109, yes I do as well, in terms of driving... zzz..... fml........

Daveguy 0

So I guess you won't be talking about people in chineese like at the restraunts. I've probably been called a "fat retard" every time I've been there.

well on the good side, your english is really good.

erkdoc 0

your test was probably formal, and your probably used to slang