By OhGeez - 08/06/2009 19:41 - Canada

Today, I got hypnotized at my school's variety show. Apparently, when asked to do something I enjoy doing, I began to violently hump the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 017
You deserved it 22 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

wow, that sucks. At least you didn't call out someone's name like your mom's, dog's, sister's etc...

that must have been awkward afterwards :)


Agree with #55 XD But how do we know the OP is a guy?

angel03260 0

ha i moded this one. its only a fail if no one made the awkward turtle=p

minimagi 0

wow youre really stupid, hypnosis only works if you allow it too. hypnosis is for the weak of mind, and you are obviously really stupid. what i really want to know is how you learned how to use a computer.

that_was_so_awkw 0

BAHAHAHAHAHA, OMFG. I laughed so much at this. DAMN HILARIOUS! Someone likes flat dry *cough cough* sex. :)

Twin_Uzis 0

Fake because hypnotism isn't real.

Talia070 0

At least you didn't start jacking off .

hypnotisim is real, but only if the person lets themselves be hypnotized. other times, you have the big fakers that are pretty clear