By Read The Fine Print - 24/11/2012 05:55 - United States - Sylmar

Today, I got into a car accident. The guy wouldn't give me his information, but instead stood there saying, "Like a good neighbor, Statefarm is there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 240
You deserved it 2 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RougeRamirez 8

"Like a normal person; call the ******* cops"

keven501 12

With a giant stuffed panda bear!


The_F3rris 11

Im guessing a statefarm agent didnt pop up.

I'd be a wreck if someone did that. I'd ensure thet he eventually does more than that.

perdix 29

I guess he forgot the lyrics to that classic song, "I'm a ******* Uninsured Motorist!" Huge hit from the 80's!

mzcherrybaby 2

That's not bad, that's just awesome if I ever had the chance to do that I would

today's haiku: State Farm or Geiko Elephant or Progressive Duct tape is cheaper

tsent8 15

The Good hands of farmers who like a good neighbor are always there.