By OUCH. - 17/11/2011 21:27 - United States

Today, I got my braces off. I also got my tongue pierced. Both by my orthodontist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 548
You deserved it 3 408

Same thing different taste


lalanelson23 0
alexloveyou_fml_fml 8

I was on blood thinners and they pierced my gum... How did I know I was bleeding a lot? When the orthodontist shouted for an assistant and shoved gauze in my mouth.

DropDeadBlaze 0

this is a story that you will look back and laugh at

That sucks! It's bad enough when you've been stuck with braces. I'd know.

How is this an FML? Braces off=good tounge ring=good where is the problem here?