By Alexa23 - 15/03/2009 15:47 - United States

Today, I got out of the shower and my 3 year old sister comes into the bathroom and says "I want big boobies like yours when I grow up." And from the other room I hear my dad go "Sweetie, you've already got bigger boobs than your sister." FML
I agree, your life sucks 131 187
You deserved it 8 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dem_fml 0

hahah i said that to my mom when i was little and she just laughed. but my boobs are bigger than hers so my wish came true!

I guess it's nice that your sister looks up to you?


astroG 0
LetsPretend 0

Sounds like your dad insulted your little sister more than you by indirectly calling her fat. That's just me.

xx_hayleyy 0

he was just messin arounddd.! your sister obviously thinks you have bigger boobs than she does..she would know better than your dad! hahhah

boobs do not determine whether or not your life is ******.

tsc32 2

they determine wether or not their ass will be ****** though

people are way to obsessive about boobs these days. If a girl is willing to show you them you'll appreciate it reguardless of the size

kellster 2

What an incredibly inappropriate thing for your dad to have said!

bizzles 0
Bubs_fml 0

"I want big boobies when I grow up so I don't have to work for money or think for myself!" xD But seriously, that's a quite the smartass remark from your father there.