By FML - 05/10/2014 23:30 - United States - Houston

Today, I got robbed. I just moved so I didn't have much in my new house. They did decide that my cat was valuable enough to steal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 778
You deserved it 3 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martin8337 35

some people, especially methheads will steal anything just to get (not earn) a buck these days.

AnOriginalName 19

It's a catnapping! Find the burglar right meow, kick his ass, and get your cat back. Kitting aside, that's ****** up if the burglar really did take your cat. Any possibility that your cat just ran off and is hanging out somewhere in the neighborhood?


martin8337 35

some people, especially methheads will steal anything just to get (not earn) a buck these days.

Maybe the cat just ran away when the robbers came in. Ya never know, maybe it'll return in a few days..

orbit 22

Maybe it will even find it's way back to the previous house, I've heard of a lot of cats doing that.

Stealing a cat is right up there with stealing a girlfriend. Way too much trouble for what it's worth! I bet they return it in a few days! :P

Sucks for them they just saved you a whole bunch of money on cat food and other things you should be happy OP!! :)

19 - even if that was meant to be sarcastic it was a very low class statement. I'm guessing you've never had a pet or something you've cared about...

I think stealing a girlfriend in that same manner would be considered kidnapping

In this case, the criminal is just a cat burglar.

kristabelli 19

I'm sure the cat just ran away. It's really hard to catch a cat - I doubt a robber could have done it.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Unnoticed at that.. Kitty shall come back

Dang, that sucks. Sorry for your loss :/

AnOriginalName 19

It's a catnapping! Find the burglar right meow, kick his ass, and get your cat back. Kitting aside, that's ****** up if the burglar really did take your cat. Any possibility that your cat just ran off and is hanging out somewhere in the neighborhood?

I agree with you on thinking it is still in the neighbourhood. If someone breaks into your house it is very possible for a pet to get scared and run away. Or the robbers can just be assholes.

simplysarcastics 26

That is so horrible op! I know it may seem unlikely but I sincerely hope your cat makes it back! I remember someone kept my cat locked in for months he finally escaped and came back to me. I know it's not the same but I hope things get better, get an alarm if possible and it may be more easy for you to rent to own furniture. Good luck OP

@#5 I don't love cats, but it's still OP's pet and anyone would be upset if their pet got taken. OP most certainly doesn't deserve it.

"Robbed" means that it was taken by force, so OP was there when her cat was taken. Whole new level of ****** up.

Quick definitions from WordNet (rob) ▸ verb: take something away by force or without the consent of the owner

I believe #9 was trying to say the OP was robbed vs burglarized. Robbery means-- the victim must be present. That clears up those that think the cat ran off instead of being stolen as OP stated.

Or it could be OP used the term incorrectly. I've had my home broken into while I wasn't there and told people I was robbed.

Daily updated animal torture websites are your worst nightmare.

WinterBlue42 22

Someone ever did that to my 16 year old cat, and I'd be opening a website dedicated to torturing them. Considering my extensive knowledge of human anatomy, I'm sure I could come up with some creative stuff. :'D Which is ****** up, I know. Anyways, I feel bad for the OP! :c I hope whoever stole the cat ends up getting the coldest karma possible.

I think 99% of humanity is more comfortable with human torture over animal torture. Kinda sad/scary when you think about it ain't it?

@18 amd that other 1% is the ones that feel like humans killing other humans (that do stupid shit like steal) is ok right?

CaroAurelia 12

I'd join you. I watch Forensic Files and study serial killers, so I'm sure I've learned a few things.

No #32, you have it backwards. The other 1% would be people who would rather see animals tortured than humans. Both of which are horrid and disgusting.

That's seriously ****** up.. Why would anyone rob an innocent cat?

ostfaiz 18