By DJJayLee - 23/06/2014 05:45 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I got written up for drinking on the job by a manager who drinks on the job, who was told to write me up by a general manager who drinks on the job, and we are all employed by an owner who drinks on the job. I haven't had a drink in 3 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 556
You deserved it 5 659

DJJayLee tells us more.

strip clubs aren't union. we have a total of 14 employees at this club and the GM would rather fire everyone and hire new people than deal with that. I'm 1 of 3 that have worked here longer than a year.

Top comments

askullnamedbilly 33

Where on earth do you work, the liquor store?

Really hoping none of your bosses opperate heavey machinery at your place of work.


askullnamedbilly 33

Where on earth do you work, the liquor store?

Probably a bar. Generally helps loosen you up and such, but gotta make you don't have too much. Of course, managers drinking is probably the worst idea for a restaurant/bar, but I guess it works for them.

only explanation I can think of is that 3 weeks prior when I did drink, another employee witnessed it but he now works at the club that our general manager spends most of his time at. what I heard from my direct manager is that he was told I was taking off my shirt in the club. I'll admit I was plastered but it was after closing and I took off my tuxedo shirt and still was wearing a T-shirt.

How do you guys drive home if you're all drinking on the job

erockinthesuburb 17

be careful what you ask for 54...

Demig0d6 14

Where do you work, budlight factory?

Really hoping none of your bosses opperate heavey machinery at your place of work.

markcallanan_ 20

I've never seen an FML with so little YDI's.

This comment is funny as **** since OP said they work at a strip club

You should just invite them to drink once they get to meet you you'll have it easier at work

my general manager gave me a shot half way through my shift on St. Patrick's day. I didn't even want it because it was cruzan 151 but I drank it anyway because he was taking a shot with me.

FrancesShiver 20

That is ****** up jesus christ

PresidentNorth 16

Whoa 18 no need to go so hard it was only a shot he took damn.

I know right dang 18 calm down a little bit. No need to bring The Lord's name into this. It's not that serious at all.

They're too drunk to understand the irony.

Maybe you should have been drinking with them.

darlingdollie 24

I think you need the drink OP ;)

FrancesShiver 20

That was wild from start to finnish

The ermmm... company patrol? Idk but I'm sure there is someone you can report them to. Google "report my employer".

Whatever union your company belongs to.

strip clubs aren't union. we have a total of 14 employees at this club and the GM would rather fire everyone and hire new people than deal with that. I'm 1 of 3 that have worked here longer than a year.

report to your manager's general manager's club owner's pet cat

mikaellikestacos 14

Do you work at little darlings??

no, babes. also little D's doesn't have liquor

chlorinegreen 27

Maybe you should consider a better career choice. Stripping careers probably don't have the most stand up people in management.

How is babes? I'm in the Navy, and a few buddies and I will be there in August on leave, we might have to go check it out.

You should just call in an anonymous tip for the GMs' and the owners license plates saying you saw them driving recklessly and think they might be drunk! I'm assuming they drink more than 0.8 and drive home after work(: a DUI would probably mess up their lives.. Payback's a bitch and you'd be doing a civil service just with an ulterior motive.

I love your thinking, 102. Excellent idea.

nesteremily 31

My sister did that. Anonymously reported to the police that her manager drinks on the job then drives home they waited down the street and got her. Probably saved her life honestly