By zevil - 18/11/2008 16:54 - Peru

Today, I had a date with a girl. Wanting to make a good impression, I spend a lot of time getting ready and by the time I get to the place we were supposed to meet she isn't there anymore. I call her to see where she is. She's in bed with another guy and says "I was REALLY waiting for you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 783
You deserved it 9 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow what a wh*re! aren't you glad you didn't go out with THAT? who knows what you would've caught..

Your sin in vanity. Her sin is lust. You would've had such beautiful children *sniff*


id rather an insane religious chick there wicked in bed.

PottentialFML 0

Priests and nuns are always pros. They get lots of practice on altar servant boys.

FML_x2 0

Should've asked for directions..

# 11. I'm not an "Insane religious chick" But I'm waiting till marriage. Dont be so ignorant. It's not like I'm a nun. Infact I'm sexy :D But dont worry about her, she's a sluuttt. "Today, I was supposed to meet a guy at a restaurant, he was late so I got drunk and I saw another guy and screwed his brains out, I woke up to him sober in bed. It was my father. FML."

Don't be modest now. No one likes girls who sell themselves short

You know her from 3 lines of FML text and dare to say she's a ****? How brave.

If she was supposed to go on a date with someone, but left to go get laid by another person - why yes, thats a ****!

She couldn't wait so she just got in bed with someone else?

justwant2Bhappy 0

just another example of how ****** up and stupid women are. I feel your pain man

fatalkiss 0

@19, that's ****** to say all women are like that.

meggy_joy 2

excuse me, but that's an ignorant, sexist comment. screw you. :P

So a guy can go out and **** a random if he get's stood up and its him manning up and not letting some chick dictate his happiness, but a chick does it and she's a ****/*****/*****? That's bull! There's nothing wrong with having sex!!! And if I got stood up, which is what she would've thought happened, I wouldn't mope, I'd still have fun. If that fun ends up going home with someone, so what. There's nothing wrong with sex!

It's wrong whether the date is a guy or a girl.

Adovock 6

That is super slutty. And the guy showed up, she just couldn't wait because she was too horny. If a guy does that, he's a manwhore, and I'm a guy, and I HATE manwhores. They piss me off just as much as slutty ***** bags do. It isn't okay for either to do. If you want to meet a guy, he's late, and you just go home and have sex with some other random guy, that is super slutty. If you're waiting for someone, then wait for them. Don't just put out because someone else wants to. *****.

At 21, sounds like something a **** would say

Nederlander95 14

Yeah I'm pretty sure a guy doing that would have been called a pig. No sexist bias here. You're trying too hard.

Don't take so long next time and try someone who's not a ****