By seriously - 20/04/2009 23:05 - Canada

Today, I had a substitute teacher for my dance class. I noticed at one point, he took out a camera. The principal came in, everyone was going crazy, and the teacher was dragged out of the classroom. He was taking videos and pictures of us dancing. Turns out he was a registered sex offender. FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 719
You deserved it 5 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Holy s**t did the school not CRB check the guy

don't they do background checks on all teachers? even subs? i hope they confiscated that camera and burned the film!


#71, there was a creepy perv all up on them. not hard to understand! and to those saying you need a degree to sub, you don't. at least in my area they're desperate for subs so a lot of college students sub

HelloSeattle 0

I call bull shit on this... my dad's a registered sex offender, and my mom's a substitute teacher. :S (They aren't together anymore, obviously, lol.) But I know how much they check the background on subs & teachers, and I also know how hard it is for sex offenders to get work, and they'd NEVER get a job as a sub.

Ellaaaa 0

So your school is nice enough to have dance classes, and yet it can't do something as simple as background checks? hmmm...

ragas 0

YDI for spelling princiPAL wrong. no but seriously, FYL, that sucks.

Kickinchicken213 3
victoriaa_fml 0

Sounds fake. They don't let registered sex offenders anywhere near schools. Signing up to be a sub could probably get them into jail you would think. But then again I could just be showing my ignorance.

if this is true, then ill see it on the news tomorrow :)

bitca 0

To those calling fake, don't be so sure. My aunt does sub work. They let her teach before running a background check because they were so desperate. They said they'd get to it later. They particularly don't care for bullshit classes , like dance.

um yeah spelling principal wrong bothers me. sorry. ydi.

We had a gymnastics coach at my high school who got caught filming the girls change. They practiced at the YMCA across the street and he had an office there so he let them change there, where he had a camera hidden.