By YouDontSay - 10/05/2015 15:35 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I had sex with a guy I've liked for ages. We were lying in his bed afterwards, and he mumbled the word "happy". I thought it was really sweet, until he repeated himself. "My girlfriend probably won't be too happy about this." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 528
You deserved it 6 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

imkool136 22

Guys, she could've had a distance crush thing goin on and just didn't know he was in a relationship.


It sounds like he wasn't very open at all about being in a relationship. That really sucks and now you know he isn't worth it if he cheated on his gf

So you know a guy well enough to have sex with him, but not know if he is in a relationship?...unlikely

Except that you don't have to know someone well in order to have sex with them. It's not like you have to pass an exam about their personal life before you're able to undo their pants. Plus, it is actually possible to hide things like this, particularly if you're a cheating little weasel like that guy.

Wow, I'm amazed by the ignorant and callous remarks on here. As someone who was played off and on for over 2 years by a married man, I can assure you that people are very capable of keeping LOTS of things a secret, especially their significant others. Manipulators *do* exist. Empathy anyone?

rohaanncool commented" they both should get together and kick him in the balls, lol" i replied "maybe we should hit women if they cheat...wait i forgot that would be wrong in everyones eyes"...this website got double standards so it's funny if a man gets hit for cheating? but if a women does it we just look the other way that type of attitude is the reason women will never be considered equal to men

This is why you can never trust an Irishman, oi to to toi to toi, blarney blarney mcguiness o'finnigan

You had a crush on a real dick of a guy, huh?

Definitely should tell gf if you have any contact with her or can get in touch with her.

cosmicdancer84 7

Stop talking to him. Why? Because he's an asshole.