By Anonymous - 03/07/2015 20:51 - United States

Today, I had to profusely apologize to a woman after my six year old son decided to crawl between her legs at the supermarket, then look up her skirt and loudly ask why she didn't have any panties on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 095
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have been embarrased for her. 6 years old Is a little too old for that type of thing to happen.

bigdfootball97 24


Omg I have tears funnies thing I've heard all day

Hmmm, this sounds suspiciously like a scene from the movie 'Drop Dead Fred'...

internet_nerd 3

6 years old is old enough to know not to do that. If a 2-3 year old did that, it would be embarrassing, but for a 6 year old boy to do that, it's just creepy.

Six year olds have poor judgement. OPs kid could have been scooting himself around on the floor, as young kids do, and found himself in the situation - he may not have deliberately set out to go between her legs.

If your six year old is scooting himself along the grocery store floor, you really need to take care of that. I know it's not easy having kids and having to run errands with them, but there is some behavior that is just not ok. I know I'm going to sound like a grumpy old person, but the parent is totally at fault here. Control your child.

RedPillSucks 31

the kid is 6, not 16 and its a grocery store, not a gas station bathroom.

I don't think it's creepy, but unless her skirt looked like peewees playhouse--why?! I crawled undo all kinds of things as a brat, but not people! He was probably not doing it to be a pervert!

I agree #53. there's no way a 6 year old should be crawling around on the floor in the store.

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Why does she have to wear them? I doubt she thought about the possibility of a large child putting his head up in her business before leaving the house.

I believe a women can wear whatever she wants (or not)- I made the remark more in a "fight the awkwardness with even more awkwardness" light

how the hell did she not notice a kid trying to crawl between her legs , until he spoke ?surely she would of noticed her clothing move or a kid near her.

My question is why wan't she wearing underwear?

My question is, why does she have to?

Once I forgot the bring a fresh pair after the gym. Also some people find it comfortable.

oyevey45 12

I mean it's a valid question..

Anyone remember the movie 'Drop Dead Fred'? There's a scene in it which is pretty much the same as this post.