By Honestly - 09/02/2017 11:00 - United Kingdom - Measham

Today, I had to teach my mother that tampons do not belong in the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 003
You deserved it 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tash901 31

Most tampons can now be flushed, just not the applicator or the wrapping, bearing in mind the type of toilet and water systems you have.

In America, some tampons can be put in the toilet now. However if you have a septic tank or live in an apartment complex with many people it's advised not to because it won't break down quick enough and may clog your toilet.


In America, some tampons can be put in the toilet now. However if you have a septic tank or live in an apartment complex with many people it's advised not to because it won't break down quick enough and may clog your toilet.

mrswombat 16

In America, unless there is a sign on the stall stating otherwise, you flush your tampon (obviously not the wrapper or applicator). The only times I have seen it requested to place in the bin is at University and a craft festival that was using septic.

The FML says you're a male. I hope that's a mistake and you're not actually her son telling her where she can and can't put her tampons. Mainly because I feel your mom would have more experience in that department than you.

When they updated the app it stuffed up the genders

Like everyone else who's already commented, toilet is normal for me too. I'm in South Africa. Septic tank is when we then have to make a plan. I can understand why she'd think it's safe there too.

BlueJuly 3

So? I once had to tell that to my gf....while having my hand in the toilet trying to unclog it.

tash901 31

Most tampons can now be flushed, just not the applicator or the wrapping, bearing in mind the type of toilet and water systems you have.

yes you can. not the applicators but the tampon you can

in America it might be fine but not in the uk

It's not fine in the USA. But most people are lazy and the vast majority don't know how their toilet even works. Most people also think that if it flushes down it's safe to go in the toilet. Like "flushable" wipes, so not flushable.

In America they market wipes as "flushable" even though they do not dissolve in water and are known to clog sewer lines. Tampons and wet wipes are not made dissolve when wet. And yuck if they were.