By misc - 10/02/2009 23:06 - United States

Today, I heard my sister masturbating in her room. I took the dog around the block to get out of the house, and I came back to see her leaving her room. She had my electric toothbrush in her hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 802
You deserved it 64

Top comments

go buy a new toothbrush with replaceable heads. brush your teeth until the original one is used beyond reason. then put a new one on it. then MAYBE your moth will be sanitary. god it's like you've been going down on your sister twice a day. ewww. incest via toothbrush.

If you had a normal regular toothbrush you wouldn't have this problem. Switch tooth brushes and buy the girl a vibrator. Problem solved. Or - what the guy above me said. Brilliant!


King_of_Kings 3

oh god. that is sick. just give it to her and get a new toothbrush.

NOT okay. Vengeance plan: wipe your juices up with her favorite dress.

I feel bad for you, I really do! :'] But I think this is funny as hell, too. But it's nasty at the same time, if you think of the fact this probably isn't the first time she used your toothbrush. ITS CONFUSING. Oh, and #41, you made my day. XD

That is messed up! I think that's really horrible when people use other people's stuff for masturbation... especially things like toothbrushes. I think you need a new sister, man.

Eww. Buy her a vibrator. They're better than electric toothbrushes.

trojan9 0

wow that gave me my ***** and giggles for the day but that is nasty

khipo4 0

i would have kicked her @$$ then i would have told her she can keep the ******* tooth brush. o and i would have told her dirty @$$ and say thats ****** up that u would use my ******* toothbrush U BITCH!