By headache - 23/02/2015 01:41 - United States

Today, I hit my head on the steering wheel when I sneezed. I managed to honk the horn and the guy next to me couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 670
You deserved it 5 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Charles900 16

I'm sorry, OP, but that is rather amusing.


That is talent! Hope you're okay though

aww OP i feel bad for laughing a little bit

MrZsDad 19

For your next act fart and slam on the brakes!

Been there done that. It sucks but I knocked myself out and had a big bruise.

only thing you can do is laugh at yourself cus that's honestly funny.

on the bright side, years down the road, it's gonna be a great convo starter when you're talking to your friends. hope you're okay, OP!