By str3tch - 03/04/2009 20:48 - United States

Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time over dinner. In order to make a good impression I was as polite as possible and tried to be as engaging as I could. Near the end of dinner my girlfriend's mom says, "I liked your old boyfriend better." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 899
You deserved it 3 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jcsati8 0

You should have replied "Well obviously, your daughter likes me better, so suck on that!"

eitak 0

Don't worry, you're not dating the mom. Follow your heart.


Kickinchicken213 3

Don't worry about it too much. As long as your girlfriend's cool with you it shouldn't matter...

moms say the darnest things. don't listen to her, as long as you two love each other its all good :)

That sucks. Though, as long as your girlfriend like you, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

I'd dump the chick. Her mom is a part of her. If her mom is rude enough to say that to your face, she must carry SOME of that

paleknight47 0

#10 I pissed my pants I laughed so hard reading your comment.

you should have said '' no one gives a crap about whou you like then do what #5 said

Blaah_x 11

Hmm my exes Granny told me that i was prettier than his ex but that i was more likely to be a two faced bitch, then when we broke up she blamed me even though he cheated :S

hebron77 0

You should have told her that your ex was stealing her medicine and replacing it with sugar pills, especially if she has diabetes.

Wow. That's rude. At least your girlfriend loves you(:

Who cares what the mother thinks? She's not the one who's in the relationship!

scottybhoymad 0

It would be worse if she whispered back "me to"