By FrickingBusDrivers - 22/05/2015 01:55 - United States - Farmington

Today, I missed my bus. But it didn't miss me. I've been in the hospital for 8 hours with a broken leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 877
You deserved it 2 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

erizonkim 17

That happened with me too once, I was just about to get on the bus when the douchebag driver suddenly drove off. Better take care and get well soon OP!

when your all healed up and better, find the driver and report his ass!


Aww, I hope you get well soon OP. Next time, look both ways before crossing the street :)

I'll go ahead and assume that OP jumped in front of the bus in a retarded attempt to make it stop. YDI.

thats logical since me and everyone i know jumps in front of vehicles to stop them

Those damn buses! So easy to run into...

Not to mention giving a whole new meaning to catching a bus

Try to beat the shit out of the bus driver after you get better.. :-D

Why wait? I hear those casts they put on you can leave a mark way worse than a fist could! But really, I hope you get well soon, OP!

Well, since OP is dealing with a broken leg I'm sure there are going to be crutches. Those are very swingable. Just saying :)

erizonkim 17

That happened with me too once, I was just about to get on the bus when the douchebag driver suddenly drove off. Better take care and get well soon OP!

Frickin bus drivers indeed... Hope you feel better soon. Sorry for what happened:/ you're a very strong soul, not to flip your shit with something like that happening.

MzZombicidal 36

That freaking SUCKS! I hope the break isn't too bad and that you can heal super quickly. Take it easy, OP. Look on the bright side, you could have needed back and head gear like Regina George! ;P

when your all healed up and better, find the driver and report his ass!

AnOriginalName 19

When OP's all healed up and better does what? You can't just end a clause in the middle of the phrase like that.

Dreamsorrow93 24

On the bright side it wasn't a moment out of final destination...

just when I thought comments can't be any more lame.

Ha! That made me chuckle. I imagined it all slow-mo like one of the premonitions.

kimeatszombies 22

Woah, glad you're okay, OP. I'd definitely be staying away from buses for awhile. :p