By Anonymous - 17/10/2014 01:10 - United States - Dayton

Today, I never really thought that my boyfriend and brother having the same name was too weird. Until I called out his name during climax. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 690
You deserved it 6 072

Same thing different taste


Hahaha, my husband and I have the same name (and we live in Ohio too!) and everyone looks at us like we have six heads when we introduce ourselves.

Oh derr I read the FML wrong ... FML lol. Well either way, yeah. I did once date someone with my dad's name ... only 2 dates though, then I couldn't do it anymore. Yay still relevant!

When I worked at Starbucks I served a couple who were both named Alex I called them Alex squared.

Last time someone called out my name in sex it was a turn off. Or maybe it was her lisp.

I can't imagine shouting out shenaniganninja would keep.the mood....I'd wet myself everytime ;)

My boyfriend's name is also a family name. You have NO IDEA how many family members make me feel akward during sex.

My husband has the same name as my brother, I've just defaulted to calling my brother bro. Yeah I'll admit the first time we were messing around and I was saying his name it felt like I was saying my bros name and it was a total buzzkill. I worked around it though :P

LittleRed79 39

My last boyfriend had the same name as my little brother. I never once thought about my brother while in bed with my boyfriend.

Yea, now that just makes it awkward. Find some names to call him in the bedroom.

Yep. I have the same problem. Both my brother and my boyfriend have the name Jacob.