By Ansharus - 06/06/2016 13:47 - Belgium - Londerzeel

Today, I noticed I'd lost my wedding ring after returning home from a long, tiring day of painting our newly purchased home. After driving back and forth to the house for more than an hour to go looking for it, I found it tucked away in my back pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 828
You deserved it 4 032

Same thing different taste


This has happened to me a few times with my pocket and my rucksack. After thinking I'd searched through them properly, I would later find my jewellery/phone/camera batteries/camera equipment - recently thought I'd lost the battery pack insert for my DSLR in the supermarket and found it later when going through my rucksack. You're not alone on this one, it really can happen to anyone!

TabooSushi 24

This is why my wedding ring goes on the chain of my pentacle necklace whenever I'm not wearing it. Makes it much less easy to lose track of!

I do stuff like that all the time. Ever been talking on your phone and start looking for your phone?

I've answered my phone and replied "no, not yet" when my husband called and asked if I'd found it. he laughed and said my name in the "omg, you're an idiot" voice.

Where is the FML here, you going your ring

LevelupKid 8

this isnt an FML. you just didn't realize you had it. WTF?