By John - 19/05/2011 04:27

Today, I offered to drive my girlfriend's grandpa to the doctor. I thus learned my girlfriend's grandfather has a colostomy bag when it burst all over the inside of my truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 657
You deserved it 3 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MedChew 19

FHL more than FYL, for sure. Imagine how embarassed he would be

not only how can you be pissed at another persons FML and it "ruin your day" but how can you be pissed at a grandpa that can't control his bowels?! you must either be very immature or just a bitch.


awe :( that's so sad poor man ! and I also feel bad for you! but I bet the poor man was so embarrassed :(

annonomusCG 0

Got organs? Eh... seemed like the right time.

Good man, good man. I feel sorry for your truck. And poor grandpa. 8(

wow just another stupid, stuck up 15 year old. when you're an old lady sick and in need of help maybe you'll understand. that poor man.

invicta8926 0
Twan_skillz14 0

that's messed up and to think you were trying to be a good guy

Erindub 0

: ( give him a break. Sucks to be him

Erindub 0

I used to have an ileostomy. So glad it was temporary

I wish mine was temporary, but I've had it since I was 18 so I'm pretty used to it. still hate it though lol

facethtcreeps 0

Omg the old guy must feel so bad :O now I feel bad..:'(