By Anonymous - 26/03/2016 17:13 - United States - Antioch

Today, I overheard my mom complaining to her friends about her uncontrollable queefing problem. Excuse me while I find a therapist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 226
You deserved it 2 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Queefing, your vag's way of saying "bring me more dick"!


"Mom where is the bleach?" " I need to bleach my brain"

cheshireau 26

Please forgive my ignorance but how else can the ****** expel the air that goes in? It's essentially a Fanny Fart.

If you were delivered vaginally, perhaps your own delivery stretched out her birth canal causing the problem noted. As for the actual act its self, my eldest step sister compared it to "******** a bowling ball."

It doesn't work like that, the ****** always goes back go it's original state, even after birth. It's just made of muscles, equivalent to the ones that control your mouth. When you smile or stretch your mouth, it goes back to normal, and it works the same for the ******.

Call your therapist and tell him he is a rich man.

cho_bee 9

You need a bottle of Jack, or a blunt; perhaps both. I need to run to the bathroon before I pee my pants...

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this app is stupid the good comments are downvoted the bad ones are invited and most of the people that use it are idiots