By PPP - 28/04/2015 15:05 - United States

Today, I overheard my mom giving my 6-year-old daughter the sex talk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 652
You deserved it 3 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was 5 it's pretty normal to have the "sex talk" as in, explaining where baby's come from

Everyone is different but I think that is way too young.


You gotta draw those boundaries. permanent market recommended.

My grandma gave me the sex talk when I was seven...

I was 7. She would probably find out from other kids anyway

CremelloLover 11

6 years old isn't too young to start with the sextalk, it's scientifically proven that the younger you start with the talk, the older you start with the real thing.

I am pretty sure that is about when I had it also to be honest....

Was it more of a "this is a no no area, nobody should be touching you there" talk?

The issue is: why is grandma giving OPs daughter the sex talk? She's overstepping a few boundaries don't you think?

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

so? I learned that shit when I was in first grade elementary. (Of course they had to nreak it down, so that firstgraders would understand, but still...)

If you object then why didn't you stop her?